Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Home Based Travel Services Business - Avoiding The Common Pitfalls in Setting Up

Become A Home Based Travel AgentReady to embark on a home based travel services business? To guarantee that your business will succeed, you have to avoid the common mistakes that home based travel agents make. What are these?

• Not having enough preparation. Before you get into the business, you must have a clear idea of what you want and what direction you want your business to take. Do your research and make decisions about such things like the host agency you’ll work with.

• Not being the boss. When you run a travel business, you’re boss and employee in one. If you’re used to being given directions by a superior, you need to learn how to rely on yourself and make your own decisions.

• Not specializing. Sure, you can be every kind of agent, but that’s not advisable. If you want to reach the professional level, you need to have a specialty, a focus. That will bring in more value, and more profit. You may want to be a cruise travel agent or a corporate business travel agent. Know which works for you best and focus on it.

These pointers will help you avoid mistakes as you set up your home based travel business.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Home Based Travel Business - How to Get The Most Out It

Start A Home Based Travel Services BusinessEstablishing a home based travel business is easy, but don’t think it’s a guaranteed success. Like any other business, travel business, even if home based, requires investment - mostly time and effort. So how do you achieve success and get the most out of your business?

• Know your worth. Do you have any experience in travel agencies? Or, do you have a certificate from a certified school, or a travel agent license, perhaps? All these make you a cut above many of the travel agents out there. And thus, you deserve higher commissions. Find an agency that will give you that.

• Choose wisely. Do you really need a host agency? If you’re a newbie, yes. But if you have experience, you can probably be an independent agent dealing directly with a travel supplier. That way, you’ll have the whole commission to yourself.

• Compute to the last cent. Take note of all the customers you have referred to the host agency and of all the bookings you have made. This way, you’ll know just how much commission the agency owes you.

With all these pointers in mind, you’re on your way to establishing your home based travel business.